The calendar of recognized holidays honoured and celebrated in Canada does not reflect the diverse cultures and faiths of our multicultural society. Our MAR Admin Team has created this monthly multicultural calendar to acknowledge the days of importance often unacknowledged. We encourage you to use this as a starting point and take some time to research these celebrations with your families.

Our yearly calendar of recognized holidays, including all the statutory holidays, is a prime example of white supremacy ideology + Catholic/Christian religion + capitalism upholding systemic racism.
Who does our calendar benefit?
To help us become aware of, to honour, and to celebrate, the many meaningful days observed by the multicultural people of this nation, MAR will be sharing a monthly Multicultural Calendar. Please take a moment to read about the upcoming days of importance and reflect upon why so many of these days are missing from “mainstream” celebrations.

You can also download a PDF copy to print and put up at home.
If you celebrate one of the faith/religion/spiritual-based days coming up and would like to share with our MAR members how you observe it and what makes it special for you, please email
MAR will not be making individual posts about these days but rather we hope members will join in educating each other.
If you know of an observance we missed that should be added to the calendar, please email us and we will add it in.
We have so much to celebrate.
MAR Admin Team
